
what is the main hazards of the chalk dust?

The main hazards of chalk dust are:

1, the eyes of the hazards: the eyes of human organs is one of the most sophisticated and most vulnerable organs, the main components of chalk dust calcium carbonate, calcium oxide is a water-soluble substances, easy to dissolve in water and produce alkali Sexual material, such as teachers in the teaching process, chalk dust fall into the eyes, stimulate the secretion of lacrimal glands, calcium carbonate hydrolysis and alkaline substances, it will seriously irritate the eye mucosa, causing mucosal damage, the formation of chronic inflammation, may also induce myopia The production.

2, the harm to the skin: teachers in the teaching process, the chalk dust will inevitably be stained in the hand, while floating in the air particles of dust will fall on the teacher's hair, face and neck, the skin irritation If summer sweat hydrolysis, produce alkaline substances, the stimulation of the skin and mucous membrane is even greater, because the human skin to survive the environment is weak acid, so under the alkaline dust destroyed the basic living environment of the skin, chalk Dust makes the skin dry, rough and accompanied by a sense of itching, make the human body discomfort, severe cases can cause acne, folliculitis, pyoderma, chapped skin and a large number of hair loss, interfere with the normal work and life of teachers.

3, the harm to the ear: Chalk dust into the external auditory canal, mixed with sebum, can form cerumen embolism, if long-term, can cause ear inflammation.

4, the harm to the lungs: the harm of dust on the teacher's body

, The most common in the lungs. During the teaching process, chalk dust is easily absorbed into the lungs and most of it is trapped in the alveoli. After a series of stimulation, chemical and immunological effects, lung damage can be caused, including respiratory inflammation And pulmonary function decline, the common lung diseases are: chronic, acute pneumonia, lung cancer, pneumoconiosis, etc. (that is, chalk dust containing silica, was inhaled into the lungs, free silica content in the lungs in the percentage One or more of the formation of pulmonary fibrosis dust, so that alveolar fibrosis, resulting in decreased lung function).

5, the harm of the upper respiratory tract: chalk dust into the lungs through the upper respiratory tract, including the nose, pharynx, bronchus, in the process, part of the dust will stay in the upper respiratory tract, mucosal epithelial cells produce mechanical stimulation and damage, long-term Work in this environment, will cause a series of lesions, of which the most common impact on the nose is induced by dry rhinitis, followed by hypertrophic rhinitis, symptoms of nasal dryness, nasal congestion, nasal congestion, increased secretions; The main impact on the pharynx induced pharyngitis, pharynx dry, expectoration uncomfortable, pharyngodynia and itching; the main impact on the bronchial bronchitis induced, and sometimes can cause asthma, in addition may cause nasopharyngeal, bronchial Other parts of the cancer.

To sum up, as an era of advanced science and technology, our teachers and students are still using the most primitive ordinary chalk teaching for decades, even hundreds of years ago to acquire knowledge. This is not in conformity with the law of social development and science and technology. While hard-working teachers teach knowledge, they pay for their own health. "Weifang Green Source Educational Products Co., Ltd." After years of research and development to completely replace the common chalk "green source card" green liquid chalk. Its products are mixed with resins through solvents and other eco-friendly materials. Through advanced nanotechnology, made of nano-scale green board ink, writing dry film, wipe the whole off, will not cause dust flying. This basically put an end to the teacher to eat chalk gray situation!

Green source of environmental liquid chalk five major characteristics

1, handwriting is clear: the handwriting written on the blackboard is covered with film, the cover rate is good, the whiteness is high, the writing is fluent, the handwriting is clear!

2, good to write a good rub: writing handwriting quickly dry in a few seconds, wipe simple, absolutely dust-free!

3: color diversity: the basic color of the board of books: white, red, yellow, blue. Special colors can be customized!

4: Recycling: Open a book pen can be added to the green source of environmental protection board solution, unlimited cycles, reduce waste! Nib for Japan imported polyester nib, hard wear-resistant, water fluent, easy to change!

5: environmental non-toxic: Banhu solution does not contain harmful ingredients such as lead, cadmium, mercury, chromium and bromine, which are harmful to the human body. Has passed the EU EN71-3 environmental certification!


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